Sunday, September 9, 2007

Buffalo Bicycle Classic
Today I rode 100 miles. That a record!! I am so shocked that I went this far. It was an awesome adventure. There were so many events going on Sept. 9th. The RaceAthlete Team did Ironman Wisconsin. Duane did the Glenwood Springs Triathlon. I was thinking of them during my ride.

Well, I woke up about 5:15am. I ate a bowl of oatmeal and quickly got ready. I felt like I was running behind, so I drove really fast towards Boulder. Probably a little too fast. I made it in barely enough time. Of course, the ride was so relaxed there was no official start time. I wasn't used to this.

It was a neat feeling to start the ride. It was about 40-45 degrees and I was freezing. I should have wore a long sleeve jacket and pants. That was a pretty big mistake. I will remember next time. I guess I just didn't want to shed any clothes and have to lug them with me.

I stopped at mile 50. That was turn around point. I ate a p&j sandwich. I also filled up a 33 oz bottle filled with water. I drank 33 oz of accelerade in 50 miles time. If it was warmer, I was going to force myself to drink more.

I briefly stopped at mile 75 and 90. I used the restroom twice and ate 1 cliff protein bar, 3 gels and another 30oz of accelerade. Oh..can't forget the pretzels and oranges I had at mile 90. They were so tasty!!

Here are my stats:

Time: 5:27:45
Odo: 1153.10 miles
Max: 46.6 mph
Avg: 18.4 mph
Distance: 100.6 miles


Brent Buckner said...

Nice work!

TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...

It's good to catch up on your blog. Good job in getting the century ride done. It will pay you back huge in your next tri.

Stay tuned...

ShirleyPerly said...

Congrats on completing your first century!!

I can't imagine riding in 40-degree weather. It was in the 60's during my first century and that was plenty cold for me.