Almost 2009. I have almost met all my distance goals. It has been a long haul and I have reached new levels this year.
My Distance Goals:Swim: 225,000+ meters (150 miles)
Bike: 3,000+ miles
Run: 1,000+ miles
What I have with 13-14 days left in 2009:Swim: 222,950 meters (148.63 miles)
- 2,050 meters leftBike: 3,009.36 miles
- Done
Run: 952.23 miles
- 47.77 miles leftSo close!! I will easily get my swim goal. Bike goal is done.
Uh oh...
I have 47.7 miles left to run...will I be able to run this amount in 13-14 days?? That is about 3.5 miles per day. I know its possible, but here's the deal. I was on the treadmill last week and was working on sprint/
fartleks. I screwed up and wore myself out. My right hip has been acting up and I am a bit concerned. I took 3 full days off from running and was on the treadmill again last night. I took it easy, but my hip hurt. It only hurt after the run...I was limping a little too.
This might be related to my crash 1 week before
Ironman in June?? It seems like its the same issue anyways. It nearly went away and it came back.
I am off running during my lunch break today. I brought warm clothes
because I plan on running outside (38 degrees). Yikes. I don't plan on going too far; 4-5 miles. I plan on taking
Ibuprofen which should make a difference.
I will
tough it least these last 47.77 miles. That's only about 24 miles per week, which is less than what I have been doing.
I will keep you posted. Thanks for reading.